Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance can be provided in certain circumstances and is always in strict confidence. The reasons for Financial Assistance are many and varied and include :
- Personal needs
- Family and dependent’s Needs
- Injury & Rehab
- Training and Education
Who Qualifies
Any apprentice, licensed jockey or former jockey or bereaved partner can apply for assistance when experiencing financial problems.
On receipt of an application or a referral to the Trust, the applicant is contacted in order to complete a financial assessment by the Irish Jockeys Trust (IJT) social worker. Each application is allocated a case number and the case is forwarded anonymously to the Board of Trustees for their decision. Depending on the applicant’s situation, a single grant may be awarded or short term maintenance grant subject to on-going review.
Typical scenarios include addressing the shortfall in income due to ill –health or injury resulting in the inability to meet financial commitments. All financial grants are paid directly into the applicant’s bank account, except in situations where a third party payment is necessitated –e.g. treatment centres outstanding medical / utility bills. The Trustees may require certain actions in the applicant’s interest to be followed in order to prevent them from further financial distress- such as attendance at MABS, addressing addiction issues etc. The Trustees, under the Deeds of Trust, retain the right to approve, defer, refuse or cease financial situation based on the information available to them.
How to apply
Applicants can complete the attached on –line form or alternatively email info@ijt.ie requesting contact or phone IJT Office 045 521 848 (Tuesdays +Wednesdays P/t Administrator Service 10.00 – 1.00).
Short and long term availability
Each request for Assistance is individually assessed and discussed with the member.
The assistance is tailored to suit each individual and situation.
Some Financial aid is just a “Once-Off” while others may be more long term monthly payment.
All Financial assistance is paid directly to the members bank account.